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About Randy Quarles

Randy Quarles, a former Eleventh Circuit judicial clerk and editor-in-chief of the Alabama Law Review, practices law in Birmingham, Alabama. His new novel, Olsen’s Nation, lampoons ObamaCare. Follow him on Twitter.

Restraining “Judicial Activism of the Most Pernicious Sort”

As Mark Twain said of the weather, people grumble a lot about federal courts, but nothing is done about them.  For instance, when the Supreme Court upheld Obamacare’s individual mandate as a tax in June 2012, Jim Huffman, dean emeritus of Lewis & Clark Law School, complained the ruling was … [Read more...]

History Buff: Who’s Most Responsible for ObamaCare?

As the major costs of ObamaCare loom over America, here’s a history quiz: Who’s most responsible for instituting ObamaCare? (a)  President Barack Obama (b)  President George W. Bush (c)  Chief Justice John Roberts (d)  President Franklin Roosevelt The answer is (d) President Franklin … [Read more...]

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