Land of the Pilgrims’ Pride: A Christmas Gift of Liberty

If your family celebrates Christmas, then you probably know Christmas is five days away.  If you are a conservative or libertarian and have a young child, maybe you’re searching for a gift to give him or her about liberty and our nation’s history. Look no further than Land of the Pilgrims’ Pride, … [Read more...]

Hell or Horsewhipping? Religious Authority versus Government Force

In the United States, critics of such religious authorities as Catholic leaders often accuse religious authorities of “forcing” their followers to obey religious rules. For instance, the New York Times editorial board recently claimed that, by opposing the Obama administration’s … [Read more...]

Forced to Be Free

Over 200 years ago, the French Enlightenment’s political philosopher Jean Jacques Rousseau posited that humans must be “forced to be free.” Rousseau’s counterintuitive principle held that there was a so-called general will, which he roughly defined as “one will which is directed towards their common … [Read more...]

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