Food rebels are planting seeds of independence in their front and backyards all over America, despite oppressive laws enforced by local officials. From Florida to Michigan to Montana, people are visiting grocery stores less and growing their own food as an affordable alternative to get fresh, … [Read more...]
Land of the Pilgrims’ Pride: A Christmas Gift of Liberty
If your family celebrates Christmas, then you probably know Christmas is five days away. If you are a conservative or libertarian and have a young child, maybe you’re searching for a gift to give him or her about liberty and our nation’s history. Look no further than Land of the Pilgrims’ Pride, … [Read more...]
Liberty Blog’s Top 10 Articles in 2012
In April 2012, we launched (LB) to allow more citizen journalists to promote liberty. Since then, we have published such insightful articles as the following: Dustin Siggins’ Senator Rand Paul: Bringing Sanity to Congress’ Voting Process Paul Wilson’s Forced to Be Free Mark … [Read more...]
To Speak or Not to Speak about Abortion; That is the Question
During a Fox News interview last Sunday, Senator John McCain (R-AZ) suggested Republicans should “…leave the [abortion] issue alone, when we are in the kind of economic situation and, frankly, national security situation we're in.” It is true that the following issues are competing for Republicans’ … [Read more...]
Ahoy, Seasteader! Liberty’s on the High Seas
Where could be liberty’s “next frontier”? Unfortunately, it won’t be in Honduras’ Special Development Regions, areas the Honduran Congress designated as largely autonomous to promote innovative government and free enterprise. The Honduran Supreme Court recently declared these regions … [Read more...]
Dragging Our High Heels: D.C. Drag Queen Race Attracts Thousands
"If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear." –George Orwell The Historic Dupont Circle Main Streets (HDCMS) hosted the 26th annual D.C. High Heel Race in Dupont earlier this month. The event benefited the HDCMS, which promotes small independent … [Read more...]
The Land of Snerk: A Post-Election Poem
A long time ago in the land of Snerk, most of its citizens went to work. They worked all week without a fuss. Most of them for forty hours plus! If along his commute, a Snerkian passed a fellow who was in need of a shirt or some food or some shoes. From an early age, that Snerkian was taught to … [Read more...]
Arthur Brooks’ Moral Case for Free Enterprise
Some people argue that free enterprise hurts poor people by impeding their opportunities to gain wealth. For instance, according to Occupy Wall Street (OWS), corporations have “perpetuated inequality…in the workplace” and “consistently outsourced labor…to cut workers’ healthcare and pay.” If OWS’ … [Read more...]
Centro Tepeyac: Pro-Lifers’ First Amendment Martyr?
The First Amendment: Congress shall make no law...abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble... On February 2, 2010, the Montgomery County (Mo Co) Council in Maryland commanded Centro Tepeyac and other area pro-life centers to "post at least 1 … [Read more...]