Got Religion? HHS’ Mandate and the Founders’ “Religious” Employers

First Amendment: Congress shall make no law…prohibiting the free exercise [of religion]…or abridging the freedom of speech…or the right of the people peaceably to assemble… Lawyers at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) must ignore the First Amendment’s original meaning.  Since … [Read more...]

Hell or Horsewhipping? Religious Authority versus Government Force

In the United States, critics of such religious authorities as Catholic leaders often accuse religious authorities of “forcing” their followers to obey religious rules. For instance, the New York Times editorial board recently claimed that, by opposing the Obama administration’s … [Read more...]

Schools, Roads, and Bridges: You Can Build Those!

On July 13, 2012, President Barack Obama made the following remarks to Virginia voters while arguing for big government and higher taxes in the United States (emphasis added): Look, if you were successful, you didn't get there on your own…There was a great [public school] teacher somewhere in your … [Read more...]

CNN Anchor Puts Misleadingly Positive Light on HHS’s Mandate

Wednesday morning, CNN Anchor Carol Costello dedicated a portion of her show to updating viewers about the Health and Human Services (HHS) contraception/abortifacient/sterilization mandate that went into effect on August 1. While nothing Costello said was dishonest, the way in which she educated her … [Read more...]

Old versus New Freedoms

Conservatives and liberals in America believe the federal government and state governments are violating citizens' basic freedoms. For instance, conservatives argue the Obama administration is violating Catholic business owners’ religious freedom by forcing the owners to provide their employees … [Read more...]

HHS’s “Medical Loss Ratio” Rule: Keep Your Health Plan?

“[I]f you like your…health care plan, you can keep it.” -President Obama on ObamaCare, August 15, 2009 Invoking ObamaCare, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) recently issued the new "Medical Loss Ratio" rule that could decimate Health Savings Accounts (HSAs). HSAs are accounts … [Read more...]

Centro Tepeyac: Pro-Lifers’ First Amendment Martyr?

The First Amendment: Congress shall make no law...abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble... On February 2, 2010, the Montgomery County (Mo Co) Council in Maryland commanded Centro Tepeyac and other area pro-life centers to "post at least 1 … [Read more...]

The New York Times Chooses Rhetoric Over Reality

On Monday, the President made his case for extending the Bush-era tax policies for those making less than $250,000 per year. This policy position, which has been made by countless politicians and pundits over the last decade, was greeted with cheers and huzzahs by the left, and treated as though it … [Read more...]

Linking Economic Freedom and Moral Obedience

Most Americans vote according to economic considerations and not such social issues as protecting the unborn and marriage. The famous 1992 campaign slogan “It’s the economy, stupid!” still accurately describes most Americans’ voting habits. However, what most Americans fail to realize is that … [Read more...]

Senator Rand Paul: Bringing Sanity to Congress’ Voting Process

Last week, Congress passed a flawed transportation/flood insurance/student loan bill that became law soon thereafter. The bill's issues, which I outlined at the above link, include the following: The conference report combined three unrelated bills into one, a too-common practice on Capitol Hill … [Read more...]

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