We've all heard that, in the United States v. Windsor, the Supreme Court just declared Section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) unconstitutional. In part, Section 3 stated that any mention of "marriage" in federal laws, rules, and regulations referred only to a union between one man and one … [Read more...]
Future Kennedy: “States Must Recognize Same-Sex Marriage”
Dan Smyth | July 10, 2013
Filed Under: Culture, Liberty, Politics, Supreme Court Tagged With: DOMA, Due Process, equal protection, Fifth Amendment, Fourteenth Amendment, Garrett Epps, Gay Marriage, Heritage Foundation, Jennifer Marshall, Justice Anthony Kennedy, Orin Kerr, privatize marriage, Same-Sex Marriage, United States v. Windsor
Maryland Repeals Capital Punishment: A Positive Step?
Tony Escobar | March 20, 2013

Last week, the Maryland legislature repealed capital punishment in favor of life sentences with no parole for the most heinous crimes. This repeal makes Maryland the eighteenth state to ban capital punishment. But for libertarians and other liberty advocates, what could be wrong with capital … [Read more...]
Filed Under: Culture, Libertarian, Local Government, Morality Tagged With: Capital Punishment, Death Penalty, Declaration of Independence, Due Process, Kirk Bloodsworth, Maryland, Murray Rothbard, Right to Life, Ron Paul, The Ethics of Liberty