The Origination Clause III: ObamaCare’s a Good Amendment to Die Hard

In June 2013, Judge Beryl Howell of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia dismissed the Pacific Legal Foundation (PLF)'s case that ObamaCare violates the Constitution's Origination Clause.  This clause reads, "All bills for raising revenue shall originate in the House of … [Read more...]

Health & Human Services: Religious Employers Still Ain’t “Religious”

First Amendment: Congress shall make no law…prohibiting the free exercise [of religion.] The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) recently blew a chance to exempt any conscientious “religious employer,” such as Christian-owned Hobby Lobby, from HHS’ contraception/abortifacient … [Read more...]

History Buff: Who’s Most Responsible for ObamaCare?

As the major costs of ObamaCare loom over America, here’s a history quiz: Who’s most responsible for instituting ObamaCare? (a)  President Barack Obama (b)  President George W. Bush (c)  Chief Justice John Roberts (d)  President Franklin Roosevelt The answer is (d) President Franklin … [Read more...]

The Origination Clause II: Die Harder with a Vengeance, ObamaCare!

A U.S. district court could soon decide if the Pacific Legal Foundation's (PLF) case against ObamaCare will continue in the U.S. court system.  PLF alleges that ObamaCare is unconstitutional because it violates the Origination Clause, which reads, "All bills for raising revenue shall originate in … [Read more...]

Liberty Blog’s Top 10 Articles in 2012

In April 2012, we launched (LB) to allow more citizen journalists to promote liberty. Since then, we have published such insightful articles as the following: Dustin Siggins’ Senator Rand Paul: Bringing Sanity to Congress’ Voting Process Paul Wilson’s Forced to Be Free Mark … [Read more...]

Dear O’Brien: The Free Exercise Clause and Professing Catholicism

Is the contraception/abortifacient mandate, brought to us by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), doomed? Last week, a U.S. federal appeals court, in an order involving O'Brien Industrial Holdings v. HHS, spared O'Brien, a Catholic employer, from the HHS mandate for the appeal's … [Read more...]

The Media Continues to Cover for Obama

With election season over, our elected leaders should address the daunting fiscal problems that face our nation. But despite how campaigning has ended, it appears the liberal media will continue to cover for President Obama in his negotiations with Congress, ignoring the President’s role in creating … [Read more...]

The Origination Clause: Die Harder, ObamaCare!

Chief Justice John Roberts could begin his next Supreme Court decision regarding ObamaCare with the following statements: "Whoops, ObamaCare is unconstitutional.  As ObamaCare involves taxes, the House -- not the Senate -- was constitutionally responsible for originating ObamaCare." If Roberts … [Read more...]

CNN Anchor Puts Misleadingly Positive Light on HHS’s Mandate

Wednesday morning, CNN Anchor Carol Costello dedicated a portion of her show to updating viewers about the Health and Human Services (HHS) contraception/abortifacient/sterilization mandate that went into effect on August 1. While nothing Costello said was dishonest, the way in which she educated her … [Read more...]

HHS’s “Medical Loss Ratio” Rule: Keep Your Health Plan?

“[I]f you like your…health care plan, you can keep it.” -President Obama on ObamaCare, August 15, 2009 Invoking ObamaCare, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) recently issued the new "Medical Loss Ratio" rule that could decimate Health Savings Accounts (HSAs). HSAs are accounts … [Read more...]

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